People’s Choice Taxidermy Competition  

AUGUST 8, 9, 10 and 15, 16, 17

No Registration Fee 
When you register your mounts you get 2 free passes into Game Fair

Peoples Choice Award
Chosen from the top 3 mounts from all categories with the most votes.

1st Place $400 2nd Place $200
3rd Place $100

Deer/Game Heads | Birds | Fish | Life Size Mammals 

1st Place $75 2nd  Place $50 3rd Place $25

Money prizes in each category

If you win one of the top 3 People Choice awards over all with a mount then the next mount in line with the most votes in that category gets the 1st place award in that category

Mount registration and drop off times:
Thursday August 7th between 3:00pm and 7:00 pm at the Art Barn

If you have any questions contact:
Game Fair Office -  763-427-0944




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